Sunday, June 5, 2011

L'incongruité de la langue (The Incongruity of Language) - Videos

Where in the hollow does verbal language reside and emanate from? Further to the previous post, I experimented with saying those yellow stickies, filming as I went with my  mobile phone:

...then, looking in a bit closer, going a bit slower, trying to find what was within the moment of hesitation in verbal expression, the self-same footage became the following (slightly abject, creepy, funny):

L'incongruité de la langue (The Incongruity of Language)

While discussing another project (The This Project), someone suggested that more people might be inclined to respond if the yellow stickies were made more legible.

This led me to reflect on the role of obfuscation in this 'game', and to ponder in general the complexity, challenges and risks inherent in verbal expression, interpretation and the extrapolation of meaning.

After awakening one morning with the phrase "L'incongruité de la langue" in my head (despite only having schoolgirl French) I had to consider, above all, the incongruity of language: